H-Sphere User Menu Based Guide

Control Panel Basics


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Starting with Your Account

This document explains how to


Changing Your Hosting Plan

Your hosting plan determines the services you get with the account and the prices for these services. Big sites with high hit rates and special services require more expensive plans; cheaper plans are suitable for simpler sites.

To change to a different plan:

  1. Select Quick Access in the Account menu.
  2. Click the Change icon next to your plan name.
  3. Select your new plan and click Submit

Warning: Switching plans will disable the resources that are unavailable under the plan you are switching to.

If you don't see the plan of your choice in the list that appears, it means it is incompatible with your current plan. You can't change to an incompatible plan, but you can create a new account under this plan and then, if you want, you can delete your old account.
Plan Upgrade: If you are switching to a 'higher' plan, your disk quota doesn't increase, but free units do. As a result, your disk quota may turn out to be lower than free units, so you can increase your disk quota without being charged. The same is true of other resources.
Plan Downgrade: If you are switching to a 'lower' plan, the system reduces your quotas for free units. If you are using more than free units, the system reduces the quota to the amount you are using.

More about billing on changing hosting plan.


Changing Your Billing Period

Your billing period determines how far in advance you pay recurrent fees. Your hosting plan may be configured to allow you to switch between billing periods of different length, price and discount policies.

To change the billing period:

  1. Select Quick Access in the Account menu.
  2. Click the Change icon next to your billing period.
  3. Select a different billing period and click Submit.

More about billing on changing billing periods.


Changing Your Control Panel Password

You need your control panel password to log into the control panel. Initially, this password is the same as your FTP password, but you can make these two passwords different.

To change the control panel password:

  1. Select Quick Access in the Account menu.
  2. Click Change Password in the Quick Access section.


Changing Your FTP Password

You need your FTP password to upload your site to the server. Initially, this password is the same as your Control Panel password, but you can make these two passwords different.

To change the FTP password:

  1. Select FTP User in the FTP/User Account menu.
  2. Click the Change icon next to Password.


Changing Your Traffic Limit

Traffic limit is the gigabytes of transferred data you pre-pay for at the beginning of the billing period. Every month the system checks if you stay within the limit, and if you don't, it charges you for the excess. Then your traffic is reset.
Example: If your billing period is 2 months long and started on the 5th of October, the first billing month will end on the 5th of November, and your total traffic will be reset. However, if you change your total traffic limit on the 15th of November, your traffic will be reset and a new billing month will start.

Note: if you fail to run up all your quota resource, you are not returned the payment for the unused megabytes.

If you expect to run up more traffic than comes with your plan, it's a good idea to raise your traffic limit. To change the traffic limit:

  1. Select Quick Access in the Account menu.
  2. Click the Change icon next to Total traffic.
  3. Enter how much traffic you expect to run up throughout your billing period.

Click here to read more on traffic.


Changing Your Disk Quota

(What is disk quota?)

To change your disk quota:

  1. Select Quick Access in the Account menu.
  2. Enter how much disk space you would like to have.

Read more about disk space.


Selecting a Different Skin

Different skins offer different control panel navigation. To change the skin:

  1. Select Look and Feel in the Account menu.
  2. On the page that appears, select the name of the skin in the Choose Design box and click the Choose button.
  3. Select the icon set and click the Set icon.
  4. Set Tooltips state. This option determines whether or not to show assisting hints at the top of each page.

Read more about CP skins.


Changing Control Panel Language

To change the language of the control panel:

  1. Select Language in the User menu.
  2. On the page that appears, select the preferred language from the drop-down box and click Submit.


Related Docs:  

Starting with Your Account

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